Where can I park my RV in The Villages?
Retirement is a wonderful time, filled with travel and spending time with family. Many Villagers have a Recreational Vehicle that allows for those types of activities. But where to park it when you are living in your Villages home? Don't worry, The Villages has 2 RV lots where you can rent a space. But how much does it cost? And can you park your RV in the driveway? Keep reading to find the answers.

Where can I park my RV? If you own a recreational vehicle and move to The Villages, where will you park it? You may park it in your driveway, as long as it does not protrude into the street, for no more than 3 days. If it does protrude into the street, you may park it in front of your house, for no more than 3 days. Guests who may be visiting you in their R V, may not live in the RV, for the 3 days it is parked at your house. But where can you park your RV for the long term? There are 2 RV lots here in The Villages that have spaces for rent. These are located in the Industrial Lot, off Rolling Acres Road, and the Alhambra Lot, located off El Camino Real street. The monthly rent for the spots, range from $32 to $49, depending on the length of the RV. Call customer service at 352-753-4508 for a temporary spot, or to be put on the waitlist for a permanent space.